Taxonomic list T3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

nucleus trunci encephali

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Home page Home page of the taxonomy
Top level complexus anatomicus Short Extended
Level 2 substantia grisea systematis nervosi centralis Short Extended
Current level nucleus trunci encephali Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
nucleus trunci encephali
noyau du tronc cérébral
nucleus somatosensorius T4 59 children
noyau somatosensoriel
noyau viscérosensoriel
nucleus vestibularis T4 42 children
noyau vestibulaire
nucleus acusticus T4 68 children
noyau acoustique
nucleus visualis T4 4 children
noyau visuel
nucleus somatomotorius T4 21 children
noyau somatomoteur
nucleus visceromotorius T4 23 children
noyau viscéromoteur
noyau branchiomoteur
nucleus reticularis T4 61 children
noyau réticulé
nucleus raphes T4 8 children
noyau de raphé
noyau neuromodulateur
nucleus limbicus T4 28 children
noyau limbique
nucleus precerebellaris T4 76 children
noyau précérébelleux
77113 5442
nucleus pontis T4 0 children
noyau du pont
noyau tegmental ventral du mésencéphale ; noyau tegmental antérieur du mésencéphale
16 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 11850
Sublist 1 5442 nucleus pontis 20/9 on 6.12.2018
Invalid signature 18310 (stored value 1502)
Error in sublist Found children 0 Found units 1
Sublist 2 5654 nucleus tegmentalis ventralis mesencephali 18/7 on 6.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 0 Found units 1
Sublist 3 11791 nucleus viscerosensorius 42/17 on 6.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 39 Found units 16
Sublist 4 11795 nucleus somatosensorius 62/25 on 6.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 59 Found units 24
Sublist 5 11802 nucleus acusticus 57/26 on 6.12.2018
Invalid signature 4265 (stored value 565)
Error in sublist Found children 68 Found units 31
Sublist 6 11803 nucleus somatomotorius 21/10 on 6.12.2018
Sublist 7 11804 nucleus visceromotorius 23/12 on 6.12.2018
Sublist 8 11821 nucleus branchiomotorius 20/9 on 6.12.2018
Sublist 9 11822 nucleus reticularis 66/25 on 6.12.2018
Invalid signature 21394 (stored value 11494)
Error in sublist Found children 61 Found units 24
Sublist 10 11823 nucleus raphes 20/11 on 6.12.2018
Invalid signature 8203 (stored value 8493)
Error in sublist Found children 8 Found units 7
Sublist 11 11824 nucleus neuromodulatorius 27/18 on 6.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 23 Found units 16
Sublist 12 11825 nucleus limbicus 55/24 on 6.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 28 Found units 15
Sublist 13 11826 nucleus precerebellaris 91/38 on 6.12.2018
Error in sublist Found children 76 Found units 33
Sublist 14 11853 nucleus visualis 4/3 on 6.12.2018
Subtotals subchildren 526 subunits 234
Proper children 14
Invalid check Found children: 487
Proper units 1
Invalid check Found units: 222
Invalid signature 13004 (stored value 20270)
Date: 31.05.2024